Pink Club Events

💖Weekly events💖


Pink Club auctions is an exclussive event only for the Pink Club members. In Pink Club auctions, members can sell themselves for coins, offering different services to the buyers.

The whole auction will be hosted by the president AndreyS or his vice Bonedaddy101.

Below you can see the general rules of the PCA (Pink Club Auction):

  1. Don’t talk while the auction is underway, as to not to disturb the process
  2. Try not to walk around the room, as to not to confuse people
  3. Don’t be offended, if nobody buys you. Our auctions are new and not everybody has the coins yet. Be quite while people bid for you.
  4. Think on your short bio before you are being called, so you can give it right away, without making people wait
  5. You can be both a buyer and a seller at the same time
  6. Please be respectful to the clubmates wishes. If you buy someone, make sure you don’t do something they don’t want or didn’t state in their short bio.

All the trades and bidding must be done with coins. 20% of the coins used to purchase someone goes back into the bank. Everything else goes to the seller.

Below, you can see the process instructions for PCA:

  1. Pink Club Members get invited at the appointed time to the VIP suite.
  2. PC Members take positions according to the image (see below)
  3. PM PinkClubPelicanBank if you wish to sell yourself
  4. President AndreyS calls out member who wishes to sell themselves
  5. Member gives a prepared short bio, including the general information, interests, what he/she is ready to do for the buyer and for how long (1 hour, 3 hours, day, lifetime)
  6. After the bio, people start bidding on the person. The highest bid that goes unchallanged for 20 seconds wins
  7. Coins are instantly deducted and 20% moves to the bank, while the rest goes to the person selling
  8. Seller goes to the buyer and the next seller is being called


Just remember:



Pink Club Super Lottery will allow you to win coins and other prizes and have some fun at the same time.

The Lottery Event will happen every week, Saturday, 5pm server time at Beaver Bash

How it will work:

  1. Participants arrive at the appointed time to the lobby.
  2. President writes the names of the people who want to participate.
  3. Using the random name picker the winners are selected.
  4. Depending on the prize you get, you have to do differents actions or requests.
  5. After the event, everybody receives their prize

Top 3 prizes are as follows

  1. 5 Pink Club Coins
  2. 3 Pink Club Coins
  3. 1 Pink Club Coins

There are 10 prizes in total.

Winners may recieve coins and other wonderful gifts but beware not every winner will get something good.

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